Power or Work Multiplication?
Fast Speed Pictured above are two DC-DC-Converters back-to-back. Some people may say that, well, this is all input, and all the outputs are just part of the input and you can't do that. Well why not? I've done it over and over again and I don't see what the problem is. What is so special about this set up? In this particular setup power is actually flowing in three different places. As far as if they are flowing all at the same time or separately is up for debate. The fact of the matter is that there are also three different meters reading each power flow. There are also three different magnetic fields. Each building magnetic field collapses three times therefore recycling the energy three times as well. There are so many different ways of looking at this that it can become a bit confusing at times. What exactly are we looking at here? There are three meters with current flowing through each one of them. As far as I am concerned there are th...