Healing from Alien Abductions: Macklin's Insights

The world of channeling mediums and healers is a fascinating blend of the spiritual and the extraterrestrial, particularly when it involves individuals like Christopher Macklin. As a UK-based channeling medium and healer, Macklin employs divine healing techniques developed through his communications with the spirit world and extraterrestrial beings. His work delves into the alarming phenomenon of alien abductions, purportedly carried out by negative off-planet races at an increasingly worrying rate. This article explores Macklin’s insights into these abductions, the sinister agendas behind them, and the healing techniques he employs to help those affected.

The Sinister Agenda of Alien Abductions

According to Christopher Macklin, over the past 14 years, he has worked with over 1,000 clients who have been victims of alien abductions. These abductions are often carried out by the Greys, an extraterrestrial race from the Zeta Reticuli system. Macklin claims that various governments have sanctioned these abductions in exchange for advanced technologies. This controversial trade-off has allowed the Greys, who have lost the ability to reproduce due to wars on their home world, to continue their species by extracting human eggs and sperm during these abductions. These genetic materials are then used to create "reticular humanoids."

An ethereal image of a human figure surrounded by glowing, mystical energies, symbolizing the spiritual connection and divine healing techniques.

The Impact of Abductions on Victims

One of the most disturbing aspects of these abductions is the impact on the victims. Macklin notes that while the aliens often erase the conscious memories of these interactions, the subconscious retains them, leading to symptoms of PTSD. Victims may experience flashbacks, anxiety, and other psychological distress. This hidden trauma can be particularly challenging to address, as the conscious mind has no recollection of the event, leaving individuals feeling confused and isolated.

The Role of Arcturians in Combating Alien Abductions

In a significant development in 2017, Macklin reports that a benevolent extraterrestrial group known as the Arcturians managed to remove the Greys from our time-space continuum. However, this victory was short-lived as the Greys devised a new method to continue their abductions. By placing portals in people's houses, the Greys were able to abduct individuals in a different timeline, circumventing the Arcturians' efforts.

A futuristic portal emitting a soft blue light, representing the doorway through which alien abductions are carried out.

Healing Techniques and Crystal Grids

To combat this ongoing threat, Macklin employs various techniques to close these portals and protect his clients. One of the methods involves using a high vibrational "crystal grid" around people's houses. This grid, according to Macklin, prevents lower vibrational entities from entering, thereby safeguarding individuals from further abductions. These grids are placed strategically to create a protective barrier, ensuring that the portals cannot reopen and the abductees remain safe.

A serene home surrounded by a glowing crystal grid, symbolizing protection from lower vibrational entities.

Personal Accounts and Healing

Macklin's clients have shared numerous personal accounts of their experiences and the healing processes they underwent. These stories are a testament to the efficacy of Macklin's techniques and the profound impact they have on the lives of those affected by alien abductions. Through his divine healing methods, he aims to restore balance and peace to his clients, helping them reclaim their lives from the trauma inflicted by these extraterrestrial encounters.

The Global Enlightenment Project

Christopher Macklin's work is part of a broader initiative known as the Global Enlightenment Project. This project aims to bring awareness to the reality of alien abductions and provide support and healing to those affected. By sharing knowledge and offering divine healing services, the Global Enlightenment Project seeks to empower individuals and protect them from negative extraterrestrial influences.

For more information on Christopher Macklin's work and the Global Enlightenment Project, visit the Global Enlightenment Project website.

A group of people meditating together, surrounded by a peaceful and harmonious aura, representing the community and support provided by the Global Enlightenment Project.


Christopher Macklin’s journey as a channeling medium and healer sheds light on the dark world of alien abductions. His insights into the sinister agendas of negative extraterrestrial races and the healing techniques he employs offer hope to those affected by these traumatic experiences. By combining divine healing methods with the creation of protective crystal grids, Macklin provides a pathway to recovery and protection from further abductions. The Global Enlightenment Project continues to raise awareness and support individuals, emphasizing the importance of spiritual and extraterrestrial protection in today's world.


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